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Live Your Life According To Islam And Quran

Live Your Life According To Islam And Quran

For A Happy Life, Live Your Life According To Islam And Quran

A Muslim is a person who follows or practices Islam, a monotheistic religion. Muslims believe in Allah as the one and only God and Muhammad SAW as the last messenger of God. The Quran is the holy book for Muslims and it contains guidance for all aspects of life.

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion that was founded by the prophet Muhammad SAW. It is based on the belief in one God, Allah, and the teachings of the Quran. Muslims believe that Muhammad SAW is the last prophet and that Islam is the only true religion. They strive to live their lives according to the Quran and its teachings.

Muslims believe that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad SAW is His last prophet. They strive to live their lives according to the Quran and its teachings. 

Islam teaches that there is one way to live a happy and fulfilling life, and that is by following the Quran's guidelines. Muslims believe that if they live their lives according to Islam, they will be rewarded in the afterlife.

The Quran contains many verses about how to live a good life. It teaches Muslims to be honest, truthful, kind, humble, and forgiving. It also teaches them to be good stewards of Allah's creation and to always be grateful for His blessings. 

Living your life according to Islam and the Quran can lead to a happy and fulfilling life here on earth and in the hereafter.

What are the six beliefs of Islam?

The six beliefs of Islam are:

1) Belief in Allah as the one and only God

2) Belief in angels

3) Belief in the holy books

4) Belief in the prophets

5) Belief in the Day of Judgment

6) Belief in predestination

What are the Islamic practices?

The Quran is the Islamic holy book, and it contains guidance on how to live a happy and fulfilling life. Many Islamic practices can help you achieve this, such as praying five times a day, fasting during Ramadan, and giving charity. 

By following these practices, you can ensure that you are living according to Islam and the Quran, and this will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

What is the Islamic way of life?

The Islamic way of life is based on the teachings of the Quran. Muslims believe that these teachings are the key to a happy and fulfilling life. The Quran guides all aspects of life, including how to worship God, how to treat others with kindness and respect, and how to live in harmony with nature. 

Muslims also believe that following the Islamic way of life will lead to success in this life and the hereafter.


Islam is a religion that teaches its followers how to live a happy and fulfilled life. The Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, contains guidance on every aspect of life, from relationships to business dealings. 

By following the teachings of Islam and the Quran, you can lead a happy and successful life.

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