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Seven Powerful Sentences For Removing Sin From Your Life!

Everyone Recite These Seven Powerful Sentences For Removing Sin From Your Life!

Seven Powerful Sentences For Removing Sin From Your Life!

Did you know that you can use seven powerful sentences to overcome sin in your life? It’s true! With these sentences, you can learn how to remove sin from your life, build up good character, and become the person Allah wants you to be!

1. Saying Bismillah every time you want to do something

Whenever you feel the urge to do something sinful, say Bismillah first. This will help you remember that Allah is watching and will hold you accountable for your actions. 

Bismillah is also a reminder that we should be doing things for the sake of Allah, not just because we want to or because we think it's fun. It's a way of asking Allah for guidance and strength to do what is right. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If anyone says 'Bismillah' before anything they eat or drink, then no harm can come to them from it. So why wouldn't you?

2. Saying Alhamdulilah at every finish doing something

Saying Alhamdulilah at the end of every action, no matter how big or small is a beautiful way to keep Allah SWT at the forefront of your mind. It's a reminder that every single thing we do is because He has allowed us to do it and that we are ultimately accountable to Him. 

Additionally, it's a great way to increase our taqwa or God-consciousness. Every time you say Alhamdulilah you are reminding yourself that there is One above who deserves all praise and thanksgiving. 

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: If someone says 'al hamdu lillahi' while entering his house, he will enter in peace.

3. Saying Astaghfirullah if the tongue slips inappropriate words

Whenever the tongue slips and says something inappropriate, we should immediately seek forgiveness from Allah by saying Astaghfirullah. By doing so, we are acknowledging our mistakes and asking for His forgiveness. 

Additionally, this will help us to refrain from committing the same sin again in the future. It also reminds us that our words have power and that we must be careful of what we say because it can cause harm. 

A believer’s speech is proof of him: What comes out of the mouth reflects what is inside of a person. So when a person speaks filth about someone else, it means that he is harboring some hatred or negative feelings towards them. 

In this way, a person’s words show his inner thoughts. That is why believers are instructed to speak with kindness and wisdom at all times as they may be unaware of their wrongdoing while others may not know of theirs.

4. Saying InshaAllah if you plan to do something tomorrow

One of the best things you can do to remove sin from your life is to start saying InshaAllah if you plan to do something tomorrow. This simple act shows that you're submitted to Allah's will and that you're willing to put His plans above your own. 

It's a powerful way to start living a life free from sin. By doing this, you'll make it easy on yourself because you won't have any regrets or wasted time. 

For example, when I'm going to the grocery store, I say InshaAllah I'll go shopping tomorrow. It also helps me focus on completing my work first because I know I'll get around to my errands at some point during the day - after all, everything is possible with Allah!

5. Saying La Haula Wala Quwata Illa Billah when faced with something you don't like and don't want

In Islam, we are taught that there is nothing in this world that we should fear except Allah. So when we are faced with something that we don't like or don't want, we should say La Haula Wala Quwata Illa Billah. 

This is a powerful statement that will help remove sin from our lives. It can be used when faced with anything you don't want. For example, if someone says something hurtful to you and you know it's not true but they're saying it to upset you and make themselves feel better. 

You could use La Haula Wala Quwata Illa Billah to keep yourself calm and not take what they said personally.

6. Saying Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun when facing and accepting calamities

No one is immune to trials and tribulations. Life will always throw us curveballs, but it's how we deal with them that matters. One of the most powerful things we can do when faced with calamity is to say Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. 

This simple yet profound statement reminds us that Allah is in control and that everything happens for a reason. It helps us to accept what has happened and move on with our lives.

7. Saying La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah all day and night so that it does not separate from our tongue

Saying La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah all day and night will help keep sin away from your life. This simple act of faith will help to cleanse your heart and mind and bring you closer to Allah. 

It is a highly recommended practice for those who are seeking to remove sin from their lives. The tradition of keeping this dua with us at all times was even more emphasized by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Himself when He said: 

Keep these words in your mouth: 'La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah'.

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